TL Early Childhood Book, Songbook, Music Tracks


“Welcome to Total Literacy, an arts-based approach to the world that prepares children for
school, personal and interpersonal expression, and literacy. The child’s world should be one of
wonder, exploration, and discovery. The adult’s job is to provide visual, aural, kinesthetic and
language experiences with a childlike sense of wonder. For many adults, this creative way of
operating in the world may have been forgotten or pushed to the back of a hurried and intense



This package includes:
• Book text pdf
• Songbook pdf
• 34 delicious songs, fingerplays, and poem tracks

Total Literacy is joyful – but is also research based. It has been common suspicion for
generations that the arts build better brains. Today technology can measure this relationship.
Arts experiences build brain areas rich with interlocking neurons, ready to receive and process
information. The more experiences a child has, the larger each brain region grows, and the
more connection form between areas.
There are multiple ways in which humans understand and communicate. Total Literacy provides
experiences in the languages of sound, image, gesture/movement, and words. Total Literacy
activities also provide experiences that explore the natural environment, and build a sense of
self, relationships, and community.”