Hello to IDEAS friends and colleagues.
Over the past four years, IDEAS has been slowly and intentionally transitioning into a company that focuses on arts-integrated school change. We continue to provide professional development through Total Learning, including Total Learning Digital. We also offer select materials (texts and music) that provide theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of arts-infused teaching and learning.
What’s changed?
- After 40 years, aeIDEAS no longer produces movement scarves. This business is now run by Bear Paw Creek (www.bearpawcreek.com) . However, we favor use of scarves as flexible teaching and learning tools and encourage you to facilitate powerful movement experiences to all ages of learners.
- Replacing physical CDs, we are digitizing IDEAS, Total Literacy, and Total Learning recordings for download. This change mirrors changes in the way music is shared in the technology age.
- We are in the process of digitizing our arts integration texts – those with and without accompanying music tracks. Again, this reduces the amount of paper, and makes the contents immediately available through download.
These changes will make access easier for those who want to take advantage of high-quality, imaginative, reasonably priced materials that inform and enrich teaching and learning through the arts (music, art, dance, drama, and storytelling). The materials, created and mentored by Dr.Sue Snyder, are offered at a minimal cost that will sustain this website. The download costs do not reflect the effort, expertise, or wisdom of the content. Dr. Snyder’s legacy continues, and she wishes the ideas to be readily available without a price barrier.
Total Learning Digital, our digital PD approach, is available for organizations, institutions, districts, schools, and/or individuals who want to implement an arts-integrated approach to school change. Your licenses can be purchased on this site, which will trigger collaboration on a personalized plan that includes PD, materials and strategies, support and coaching year by year.
Keep an eye here as we implement our refinement plan.